Do you know how common it is to experience leakage of urine when you cough, sneeze or laugh? Over 3.3 million Canadians experience urinary incontinence and one half of all women will experience problems with incontinence at some point in their lives.
Joints change with time, and as we age we experience aches and pains and a gradual loss of mobility. However, osteoarthritis, one of 150 different forms of arthritis, is not simply a matter of getting older. It is a degenerative process that results in relatively rapid deterioration of a joint.
Almost everyone experiences some type of back pain during the course of their lives. The pain may occur suddenly and be gone within a couple of days or weeks, or it may occur repeatedly, never completely going away, and have a major impact on regular daily activities.
Moving rocks out of car trunks, digging out old shrub roots, and pruning hedges 20 feet high — that is how we spent our Saturday morning. And it was a lot of fun!